The True Axis of Evil
The true Axis of Evil is Ignorance, Arrogance, and Conformity. Unfortunately, our country has plenty of all three. Ignornace is now championed over knowledge. Just look at the election of 2004. A majority of Americans opted for a president who most (even amongst those who voted for W) believed was less intelligent. The dumbing down of America is prevalent everywhere, from underqualified teachers and lax standars in our school systems to television newscasts. A study done before election 2004 showed that Fox News viewers considered themselves to be amongst the most informed citizens. Yet, these same viewers scored lowest when asked fact based questions about current events.
This study also pointed out the Arrogance that is prevalent in society today. We have reached a point where Attitude is more important than Substance. This arrogance led us directly into the current war in Iraq and has caused the greatest loss of American life. From the assinie "Shock and Awe" campaign (which unnecessarily detsroyed infrastutcure which has cost American tax payers billions to replace and recruited countless members of the current resistance), to the fast and furious run to Bagdad (which left vast portions of the country unsecured and helped fuel the resistance), to the atrocities at Abu Grhaib (another great recruiting tool for those Iraqis on the fence), and the lack of sufficent armor (which is inexcusable given the amount of time taken to prepare for the war), arrogance amongst our country's military and civilian leaders has caused unnecessary casulties. And yet, no one has been held to task.
And finally, Conformity in both thought and deed. Anyone who dares question the current administration is labeled as un-American. Elected and appointed officals have even gone so far as to state that those who disagree with the administration are "aiding and abetting" the enemy. All voices of disagreement have been purged from both the military and civilian authorities. A democracy cannot exist if everyone is expected to think and act in the same way.
This is not the first time in Amerian history that the country has strayed from its founding principles. Jefferson led a counter-revolution when it appeared that the Federalists were poised to limit personal freedom in the name of security and the status-quo (see the Bill of Rights). Lincoln saved the Union and reminded the country of its true calling (see the Gettysburg Address). Dr. Martin Luther King reminded the country that 100 years later, the words of Lincoln had not been fulfilled. The question is, is there anyone out there with the wisdom and charisma to lead us back to foundations of our democracy: Liberty, Justice, and Freedom. After all, its dangerous work as shown by Lincoln, JFK, RFK, and Dr. King. And, if there is anyone brave enough, does anyone care enough to listen...
This study also pointed out the Arrogance that is prevalent in society today. We have reached a point where Attitude is more important than Substance. This arrogance led us directly into the current war in Iraq and has caused the greatest loss of American life. From the assinie "Shock and Awe" campaign (which unnecessarily detsroyed infrastutcure which has cost American tax payers billions to replace and recruited countless members of the current resistance), to the fast and furious run to Bagdad (which left vast portions of the country unsecured and helped fuel the resistance), to the atrocities at Abu Grhaib (another great recruiting tool for those Iraqis on the fence), and the lack of sufficent armor (which is inexcusable given the amount of time taken to prepare for the war), arrogance amongst our country's military and civilian leaders has caused unnecessary casulties. And yet, no one has been held to task.
And finally, Conformity in both thought and deed. Anyone who dares question the current administration is labeled as un-American. Elected and appointed officals have even gone so far as to state that those who disagree with the administration are "aiding and abetting" the enemy. All voices of disagreement have been purged from both the military and civilian authorities. A democracy cannot exist if everyone is expected to think and act in the same way.
This is not the first time in Amerian history that the country has strayed from its founding principles. Jefferson led a counter-revolution when it appeared that the Federalists were poised to limit personal freedom in the name of security and the status-quo (see the Bill of Rights). Lincoln saved the Union and reminded the country of its true calling (see the Gettysburg Address). Dr. Martin Luther King reminded the country that 100 years later, the words of Lincoln had not been fulfilled. The question is, is there anyone out there with the wisdom and charisma to lead us back to foundations of our democracy: Liberty, Justice, and Freedom. After all, its dangerous work as shown by Lincoln, JFK, RFK, and Dr. King. And, if there is anyone brave enough, does anyone care enough to listen...
At 5:21 PM,
ROMA said…
Welcome AOE. I hope you get as much out of this as I do. It is quite therapeutic even if you noone is listening to the truth anymore. It is sad that people are not willing to listen to reason. People form opinions and refuse to re-evaluate there stance even in the light of new evidence. It has been said that what passes for listening these days is waiting for the other person to finish so you can say what you want.
Anyway welcome back.
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