On fanaticism...
The following quote is from Ralph Peters (USA Today) from an editorial entitled "Myths of Globalization" which appears in Monday's edition:
"Every claim that globalization equals peace ignores the facts. Suggestions that the world is flat may be right, but not in the ways intended. The new flat-worlders aren't the information age aristocrats rising above their fellow citizens. They're the millions of freightened beleivers who reject science and social change, while debasing religion to superstition. The inquisition is back. That's the international phenomenon that should occupy our thoughts: The dynamic movements in world religion insisting that their gods are intolerant and vengeful. If information is power, fanaticism is nuclear power."
I've been saying this since 9/11. The true fight is not against Islam or even Islamic Fundamentalim. The true fight is against fundementalism in general. Christian and Jewish fundamentalists are no less dangerous than Islamic ones. Just ask abortion doctors and clinic workers about Christian Fundementalists. Or ask the residents of Oklahoma City what happens when Amercian fundamentalism runs rampid. Fundementalism and Democracy cannot exisit together. The Middle East will never be free or democratic until fundementalism is either destroyed or marginalized. America will not remain a true free democracy if fundementalism in this country isn't held in check.
I've seen bumper stickers in the past that say "No Jesus, No Peace. Know Jesus, Know Peace". The truth is "No Toleration, No Peace. Period."
"Every claim that globalization equals peace ignores the facts. Suggestions that the world is flat may be right, but not in the ways intended. The new flat-worlders aren't the information age aristocrats rising above their fellow citizens. They're the millions of freightened beleivers who reject science and social change, while debasing religion to superstition. The inquisition is back. That's the international phenomenon that should occupy our thoughts: The dynamic movements in world religion insisting that their gods are intolerant and vengeful. If information is power, fanaticism is nuclear power."
I've been saying this since 9/11. The true fight is not against Islam or even Islamic Fundamentalim. The true fight is against fundementalism in general. Christian and Jewish fundamentalists are no less dangerous than Islamic ones. Just ask abortion doctors and clinic workers about Christian Fundementalists. Or ask the residents of Oklahoma City what happens when Amercian fundamentalism runs rampid. Fundementalism and Democracy cannot exisit together. The Middle East will never be free or democratic until fundementalism is either destroyed or marginalized. America will not remain a true free democracy if fundementalism in this country isn't held in check.
I've seen bumper stickers in the past that say "No Jesus, No Peace. Know Jesus, Know Peace". The truth is "No Toleration, No Peace. Period."
At 7:38 PM,
ROMA said…
Why are the Neocon hawks allowed to get away with lying continuously? It is because the American public is apathetic, lazy, and most times just plain stupid. The Republicans were genius to pick a candidate that does not have a grasp on the English language. They were genius to define their candidate as someone who can relate to real Americans, even if he has never had to deal with any real American issues. The people think that Bush is one of them, and because of this they defend him and his choices even when they are wrong. Bush and Rumsfeld have lied to us about everything involving the war in Iraq and as we find out more and more have lied about everything period. As long as the Democrats are not challenging everything that the Republicans are saying the American people are not going to stop supporting the Republicans. Why would the Democrats believe any statistics that Bush and his advisors put forth? As soon as they agree with the Republicans what do the Republicans do? They trot out the next fact and say it over and over and over again until the media and the Democrats are stating it as if it is a fact also and then they move on to the next lie. Each lie supports another lie, and no one remembers the first lie. I am truly scared for the direction this country is headed. It is scary, but I long for the day when people actually voted their wallets instead of their so called religious beliefs. Religious beliefs that right wing fundamentalist have foisted upon them. I hope that someone steps forth and gets a message of truth out soon, or America actually wakes up to the realities that Republican policy is slowly killing us economically, internationally, and religiously.
At 2:31 PM,
ROMA said…
Liberal actually means to be open minded, not as you state not literal. Unfortunately most fundamentalist are not really interested in what's at the core of an issue. Their only concern is their interest.
Take fundamentalist Christians for example--One would think their primary "fundamental" concern would be Jesus's new covenant formed with them. "Love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and love your neighbor as you love yourself.", but their fundamental/literal reading leads them so far away from this edict of Jesus it is scary. They seem to be able to find a passage of the Bible to suit their needs whenever necessary.
And as Axis stated fundamental Islamist are able to do the same thing with the Koran.
At 7:23 PM,
Axis of Evil said…
The political spectrum leads left to right. The far left end of the spectrum is radicalism - the thought that all that is old is wrong. Radicals press for sweeping changes away from old matras and towards a new way of thinking. These thought lines include Anarchism and Communism (in its true form and not Russia Totalitarianism). As the spectrum moves to the right you find Progressives and Liberals. They believe that old ways should not necessarily be abandoned, but that change is always good and necesaary to reach the ideal (as we are no where near perfection to date). The center of the spectrum is the middle of the road. Sometimes this is a place for those who cannot make up their minds. Often, it is a place for those wishing to maintain the status quo. To the right of center is Conservatism. This is a belief that older ways are superior to modern ways. This political viewpoint frequently resists change unless the change is in a backwad direction. The far right is the land of the Reactionary. This viewpoint views all modern developments as bad and seeks a complete return to older ways. The far right includes Facists and Fundamentalists. This is standard political philosphy and ther is no confusion on my part.
As far as literal or "translated" - you've got to be kidding me. What viewpoint is literal? The Bible has been translated through at least three languages - Hebrew, Latin, Engligh. Each of these languages contain phrases and shades of meaning that simply do not translate directly. Besides the fact, the Bible contradicts itself quite often. And, its current form was established by a council of Priests in the 4th century A.D. Not excactly my idea of the true "word of God." As for the Constitution, the Conservative montra is to interpret the Constitution as the founding fathers intended. This idea is as ignorant as it is impossible. First, the "foudning fathers" were far from a homogenous group with a singluar ideology. Second, it seems to me that modern Conservatives seem to quote the Anti-Federalist papers as source material. These were the people who argued AGAINST the Constitution in the first place! For case in point see the current fight over judicial filibusters and read the Federalist Papers for Madison's opinion on the importance of minority rights. Third, do we really want our country to be guided entirely by Eighteenth Century thoughts and views? If so, why are Conservatives so confortable with Coporate America when the founding fathers nearly universally endorsed Agrarianism over commerce? Fourth, the Constitution was not written as a dead document forever chained to 1787. It is a living, breathing document, meant to establish a Republic which would survive the ages. To do so, it must be interpreted to modern standards.
At the heart of the matter, fundamentalism is a shallow minded existance meant to wash away the shades of gray in life and set the world into black and white. It is an excuse to stop thinking. And when everyone else is wrong but you, there is no longer a middle ground to reach. This is a recipe for disaster, and the thousands of victims of terrorost actions (be it Islamic, Christian, or other) bear witness to the danger.
At 5:55 AM,
Axis of Evil said…
What a quick ride on the slippery slope to ignorance. I love the insinuation that only Conservatives have a moral code of conduct. Most Liberals I know are child pornographers and pedophiles while most Conservatives are lay ministers. In truth, Conservative morality only comes into play when there is an agenda to push. My morality is based on the founding concept of this country - that each individual has rights that exist in concentric circles UNTIL they impinge on antoher's. Therefore, child pornography is wrong because the child is coerced or duped. Pedophilia is immoral and illegal becuase children cannot give consent. Tell me again why Homosexauality is immoral? Is it because the Bible - the same book which condones Slavery and permits the selling of your own child - says so? Drug use is an individual decision. And, for your information, the legality of the substance does not determine whether abuse is present. There are casual Marijuana users and prescription drug addicits - just like Rush Limbaugh. But wait, there's a Conservative shade of gray for you. Where is the hellfire condemnation of Mr. Limbaugh? I suppose there is some compassion and tolerance left on the right - as long as you are a mouthpiece with an audience to exploit. And what about Newt Gingrich and his extra-martial affairs. Or Bob Dole's SECOND wife. It seems to me that divorce and adultery are the real killers of the institution of marriage. But there's no Conservative rancor to be found. It seems black and white is only reserved for those outside of the Conservative line. I reject such false piousness and any "moral" code devoid of a logical base and full of hatred. And I'm sick to death of angry Conservatives looking for a scapegoat for the misery in their life and pushing their closed minded thinking on others in the guise of "morality".
At 3:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
It’s seem that the only ones spiting out hate here are you “so called” liberals.
You are far cry from what it truly means to be a Proud Liberal American. J.F.K. and other Proud Democrats that truly made a difference in this country would be very skeptical of where their party has gone.
You scream out with hate about things you have not really considered for the sake of your own desires and agenda rather than for the concern of the direction of the country you choose to live in.
The Republican Party is no better they also put their desires first.
You would be wise to discover why this country was founded on moral principles. You would also do well to understand morality does not change; only our perception of it changes as our desire to fulfill our own lust increases.
I know this will only make you angrier and you will question my loyalties, but just maybe you will consider truth and freedom really is and why we have it.
At 6:12 PM,
Axis of Evil said…
I see no hate here, just a difference of opinion. As for JFK, I think he would be proud of his party's current stand on the Minimum Wage, civil liberties, and the environment. In fact, I'm at a loss to see where the party's current direction differs from the agenda of JFK, RFK, or FDR for that matter. All stood for a living wage and a brighter hope for all - as does the current Democratic Party.
As far as the country being founded on moral principles - I'm not sure Slavery and genocide of the native population would qualify as moral. The founding fathers were no more or less moral than the politicians of today. They each had their own shortcomings - Franklin could not remain faithful to his wife, Jefferson engaged in extramarital affairs with his slaves, Washington stole land from his neighbors and owned slaves his entire life, Alexander Hamilton frequently slandered those with whom his disagreed (including Aaron Burr), and the list goes on. This country was truly founded upon the principles of the Scottish Enlightenment. The first settlement in America was Jamestown - a commercial venture. And while the Pilgrim's had their Mayflower Compact, the impact of the Puritans on the actual formation of our government was nill. The majority of the founding fathers were either Diest or Unitarian. The exceptions were some members of the Virginia gentry - and they were good practicing Christians who owned human beings.
The truth is that morality does and must change. There is no eternal truth just as there is no universal code of ethics. Thousands of civilizations have formed across the planet in the tens of thousands of years that modern man has lived here. Each has established its own set of morals - a reflection of the interests, priorities, and religious beliefs of each culture. We are no different. Since 1776, the country we know as America has decided that Slavery is no longer acceptable, that women are equal (or at least should be) equal to men, and that we are all equal regardless of race. None of these concepts were part of the moral fabric of the society that produced our country. Thank God that our moral code has evolved. May we all be blessed to see it continue to evolve toward a more peaceful and tolerant society, one closer to the ideal of Jefferson, the conviction of Lincoln, and the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
At 4:25 AM,
ROMA said…
What has happened to the Axis of Evil? Has it moved due to the patriot Act? Is it in hiding waiting to realease its venomous spew on the rest of us innocent bistanders? Or is it just cruising around the sunshine of the bahamas?
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