Chuck Hagel - Northeastern Liberal?
The executive branch of our government would have you believe that the War in Iraq would be over by now if the press would just stop lying and all the liberals would just be quiet. In fact, they are now complaining that there's not enough reporting of the enemy body count. Is it 2005 or 1971? Here's a current outlook on the war by a U.S. Senator, a member of the Intelligience and Foreign Relations Committees, a Vietnam Vet with 2 Purple Hearts, and did I mention, a REPUBLICAN:
"Things aren't getting better; they're getting worse...It's like they're just making it up as they go along. The reality is that we're losing in Iraq."
Of course, I'm sure the Swift Boat goons will soon be attacking Chuck Hagel much the same way they did John Kerry and the Bush 2000 team did to John McCain in South Carolina. And we liberals are supposed to be the anti-military ones.
A recent NY Times / CBS poll shows 51% of Americans think we never should have went into Iraq. My question is this: What the hell did 10% of this country think was going to happen when we invaded a Muslim country with no Muslim support? Its getting to the point where I have more respect for the Chicken Hawks than the fence sitters. The same idiots that just reelected W now think he's doing a bad job. I used to believe in a universal franchise, but now I think there should be some kind of current events quiz before you can vote.
"Things aren't getting better; they're getting worse...It's like they're just making it up as they go along. The reality is that we're losing in Iraq."
Of course, I'm sure the Swift Boat goons will soon be attacking Chuck Hagel much the same way they did John Kerry and the Bush 2000 team did to John McCain in South Carolina. And we liberals are supposed to be the anti-military ones.
A recent NY Times / CBS poll shows 51% of Americans think we never should have went into Iraq. My question is this: What the hell did 10% of this country think was going to happen when we invaded a Muslim country with no Muslim support? Its getting to the point where I have more respect for the Chicken Hawks than the fence sitters. The same idiots that just reelected W now think he's doing a bad job. I used to believe in a universal franchise, but now I think there should be some kind of current events quiz before you can vote.
At 6:33 AM,
ROMA said…
Who gets to put the questions on the quiz?
Republican version:
1. Did you know that abortion stops a beating heart?
A. yes- 1point toward your right to vote.
A. No-- If you take this gun and shoot that baby killing Dr. over there we will let you vote.
2. Did you know that Christ alone can get you into Heaven?
A. yes- 1 point toward your right to vote
A. no- please step into our tent here for a 1 hour seminar with our leader Jerry Fallwell after which you will be asked the question again.
3. Did you know that the Gays and Saddam Hussein attacked us on Sept. 11th?
A. yes- go to the front of the voting line.
A. No- your in the wrong precinct--you can vote a provisional ballot and I promise we will not burn it right away.
4. Did you know that George Bush can not have a beer with you because he is an alcoholic or share cocaine with you because he is a recovering addict?
A. yes-- get to the back of the line you Liberal, Communist, truth seeker.
A. That can not be true, he talks to God daily and God talks to him--Welcome to the New World Order sister, please step inside the voting booth.
I'll let you come up with the Democrats version.
At 9:00 AM,
Axis of Evil said…
Who knew ROMA did comedy. You should contact the Daily Show...
Here are several more questions for the quiz:
1) The most important issue facing the country today is:
a) Moral Values
b) The Lack of Moral Values
c) Janet Jackson's breasts, Gay Marriage, and Moral Values
d) Flag Burning, Assualt Weapons, and Moral Values
e) Corporate crime, failing healthcare system, homeland security, loss of civil liberties, destruction of the environment, stem cell research, a living wage, poverty, loss of manufacturing jobs and good paying jobs in general
2) Christ is to Savior as George W. Bush is to:
a) Savior
b) Christ
c) God
d) Jehovah
e) Who wrote this question?
3) If Al Queda attacked America and killed 3,000 innocent civilians, what course of action would you most like to see:
a) Read to school children when notified of the attack, hide in an airplane during the attack, wait a week to view the damage, then fight against a Commission to find out what happened and refuse to testify in public or under oath
b) Round up people with brown skin who might be Arab and beat them up
c) Blame gays, feminists, and liberals
d) Invade Iraq (just kidding, who would be that stupid?)
e) Capture and/or kill the perpetrators by building world-wide alliances and dedicating enough manpower to do the job right
4) The most important qualifications for leader of the free world are:
a) handsome with rugged good looks
b) repentant sinner who talks about church but never really goes there
c) Money, lots and lots of money
d) Did I mention money
e) Mastery of the English language and an IQ above 90.
5) Which type of person would you least like to be President
a) New England W.A.S.P. with a fake Texas accent
b) Chicken Hawk war hero who never left Texas during the past war but lands on an aircraft carrier in a new war he started
c) Spoiled rich kid who plays on a ranch bought with Grandma's money and proclaims America's ultra-rich to be "his base"
d) Former Alcoholic and Cocaine addict who seems to care more for fetuses and embryos than Cancer and Alzheimer patients, poor children, or working families
e) Decorated war hero who returned home and tried to end the unjust war he saw firsthand
If you answered anything other than (e) to questions 1-4 and anyhing except (e) to question 5 -Congratulations, you're now qualified to vote below the Mason-Dixon line (unless you're a minority).
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