Cartoon Violence
Think the world is safer since we deposed Sadaam Hussein? Think again. Just look at the reaction across the Muslim world to a simple cartoon. I don't condone religious intolerance, but I do suppport free speech. While speech has its consequences, like boycott and embargo, it should never be met with violence. In the strangest twists of fate, we in America mourn the passing of the First Lady of the Civil Rights Movement - the most successful non-violent movement in history (right behind Ghandi), while thugs and hoodlums throughout the Muslim world throw molitav cocktails at government buildings and call for executions. And just like in this country when right-wing fanatics bomb abortion clinics and execute doctors, supposedly "moderate" Muslim clerics sit on their hands while whispering for peace and offering excuses for intolerable behavior. Worst of all, they frame the whole argument around a clash of custom. Clash of custom - you're damn right. The West, for all its faults, does not condone violence as the answer to an otherwise nonviolent disagreement. Of course, The West is not a homogenous society, and there are certainly elements that do - The KKK, Pat Robertson, Operation Life. However, for the largest part, these groups are seen to be on the fringe. In today's Muslim world, it seems that the fanatics are in the main stream and the so-called moderates are often indistinguishable from the zealots.
So I ask you - is it really in America's best interests to install psuedo-democracies in a wasteland of fanaticism? Democracy means more than just a popular vote. At least, it should. If it doesn't, then the Enlightenment is dead. Without a basic respect for the rights of man there can be no democracy. So why replace oppresive dictators with freely elected oppresive governments? And, for God's sake, why spend American blood to do it? I don't know what the solution is in the fight against fanaticism. But I'm fairly sure that its not handing the fanatics the keys to castle...
So I ask you - is it really in America's best interests to install psuedo-democracies in a wasteland of fanaticism? Democracy means more than just a popular vote. At least, it should. If it doesn't, then the Enlightenment is dead. Without a basic respect for the rights of man there can be no democracy. So why replace oppresive dictators with freely elected oppresive governments? And, for God's sake, why spend American blood to do it? I don't know what the solution is in the fight against fanaticism. But I'm fairly sure that its not handing the fanatics the keys to castle...
At 9:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Of course, The West is not a homogenous society, and there are certainly elements that do - The KKK, Pat Robertson, Operation Life. However, for the largest part, these groups are seen to be on the fringe."
Are you just stupid?
First of all Operation Life is a liberal save the prisoner organization, so I assume you mean Operation Rescue.
Operation Rescue has never tolerated “right-wing fanatics bomb abortion clinics and execute doctors”.
Apparently you are a ignorant ass. People like you kill over a million innocent humans every year in this country and pretend like you are performing a humanitarian service, you stupid hypocrite.
At 3:18 PM,
Axis of Evil said…
As I said, I tolerate free speech. So I allow cowardly and angry little anonymous posters their two cents worth. But permit me to retort...
Pardon me for not having the exact title to every Pro-Birth organization. As for "Operation Rescue" not tolerating fanatics - these were the people who were sued for blocking the entrances to clinics and screaming WHORE at every one who dared enter. I don't recall them holding candlelight vigils for the doctors who have been murdered (yes murdered because they are in fact living human beings rather than a fetus) or the innocent people killed by these terrorists when they bomb clinics. The psuedo-moderates in the Pro-Birth movement simply stoke the emotions of the fanatics who do their dirty work.
Please feel free to post again when you or anyone else in the Pro-Birth movement have done anything to improve the lives of actual living children. The hypocrites of the Pro-Birth movement care more about embryoes and fetuses than they do about living children. All they really want is the birth, after the cord is cut, the child is on their own. Every member of a Pro-Birth organization should be required to adopt a child suffering from the effects of poor pre-natal care caused by unwanted pregancy. And they should voluntarily pay higher taxes to pay for all the social programs that would be required for "over a million humans" I supposedly kill every year. If they weren't hypocrites who cared more about the cause than actually reducing the number of abortions in this country, they would support wider use of birth control and over-the-counter availabilty of emergency contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
Maybe one day in the near future, the Pro-Bith movement will get their wish and abortion will be illegal. And then, Oh Happy Day, because once it is illegal it will just go away. You know, like drugs and prostitution. And the world will be a better place despite the babies in the trash cans, dead young women, and battered and abused children. But why worry about consequences, they will have won the great moral debate.
And by the way, its "an ignorant ass" not "a ignorant ass". But if the shoe fits...
At 6:03 AM,
Axis of Evil said…
You've go to be kidding me. There is NO money in abortion - and with all the terrorists on the Pro-Birth side, many risk their lives so that others may have self determination. I am not pro-abortion, I am PRO-CHOICE because I beleive that pregnant women are not second class citizens and have a right to self determination just like every other American.
There is NO proof that life begins at conception - only you're opinion. Life begins when a baby can exist outside the womb - period. Which is exactly why we celebrate our BIRTHDAY and not our CONCEPTION DAY. Its also why we don't have funerals when pregnanet women miscarry in early term. If we're going to redefine life all the way back to conception, why stop there? Why not mourn the loss of every unfertilized egg? There must be billions of poor defensless little eggs that are MURDERED every year.
I have no trouble limiting abortion AFTER viability. But to suggest that a fetus is a living human being with rights even greater than the mother is academically dishonest. As I stated before, the Pro-Birth movement does not care about LIFE, only birth. Adoption is a straw man arguement because the fact remains that there are plenty of children in this country today desperately in need of a good permanent home. The problem is they are not white, or they are not healthy, or they are not newborn. What a better place this world would be if all the Pro-Birth protesters would step up to the plate and provide permanent homes for the millions of abused and negelected children living in foster care. Maybe, just maybe, then they could truly call themselves "Pro-Life".
At least I can respect you - Adam - for having the courage to leave your name and attempt to make a reasoned (albeit flawed) arguement without resorting to petty insults. However, I believe your comment on "promescuity" reveals a portion of your true objection to abortion. Just try to remember - we're talking about a fetus, not a punishment. While you and I both may agree that "promiscuity" may having damaging effects on both individuals and society as whole, I am simply unwilling to utilize a fetus as a bargainign chip in a morality war. And while you may someday be legislatively able to force a pregant woman to carry her child to delivery, you will never be able to force her to love the child (once a fetus is born it becomes a child, its simple science)or give it up for adoption if she doesn't love it. You're conscience might be cleared once the fetus becomes a child, but mine would not be. I do not want to be haunted by images of underdeveloped children with severe birth defects, tortured and abused children living in squalor, or even worse, dead babies tossed into trash cans.
As for the anonymous poster - it does take an angry little coward to call me names without leaving their own name. Perhaps if the Pro-Birth movement could drop the bombastic rhetoric, they could cooperate with family planning organizations to actually lower the number of abortions in this country. But then they wouldn't get to feel so morally superior and would lose their political football.
At 12:56 PM,
Diane S. said…
Oh Axis,
Why, oh why, did you forsake the pen? Please take it back up and write amore. I suspect you are an ally.
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